5 secrets of how to quickly get rid of nicotine addiction at home

girl broke a cigarette and threw away a picture Figure 1

When asked how to quickly and effectively quit smoking, we often hear: it is not easy, it is very difficult, impossible, it is impossible to do without a plaster or e-cigarette. . . As a result, there is a feeling of a closed circle. . It seems that you want to say goodbye to bad addiction, but everyone says how difficult it is. Probably not. . .

The main thing is motivation!

This attitude is a major mistake in getting rid of smoking. Before you decide to quit smoking at home, you need to understand clearly: do you really want to? If you make such a decision under the pressure of your loved ones, who are constantly "nagging" you, you will not succeed, no matter how harmful it is and how badly it affects you, but you do not want to quit smoking yourself. There is no need to try. So, first answer yourself 3 questions:

  1. Do I want to do this?
  2. Why do I need this?
  3. How will quitting my life change?

To make it easier for you to answer these questions, pay attention to the following information. When the last cigarette is rubbish in your body:

  • normalization of blood pressure - after 30 minutes;
  • oxygen level in the blood normalizes - after only 10 hours;
  • blood circulation and blood supply to the brain and heart will improve within 24 hours;
  • there will be a sense of smell and taste - after 3 days;
  • sugar, unpleasant odor, hair will disappear from the mouth, skin - after 5 days;
  • skin will improve - after 7 days;
  • cough will pass, sudden headaches and chronic fatigue will disappear, breathing will be easier! - After 30 days;
  • will have the desire to move, play sports, live an active life - after 6 months;
  • the risk of coronary heart disease will be reduced by 2 times - after 1 year;
  • The risk of developing lung cancer will be reduced by 10 times after 5 years compared to a smoker who smokes a pack a day.

These figures will help you find the right motivation for why and how to quit smoking at home. The advice of psychologists and folk healers to quit smoking will help to quickly get rid of the habit and restore the body.

girl broke a cigarette and threw away a picture Figure 2

Where to start: 5 tips

Once you've made your decision, it's time to start thinking about how to quit smoking at home. And that's where the fun begins. The only thing you need. . . is to stop smoking. Everything! Disposable!

  1. Throw away cigarettes, tear them, cut them, send them to the trash or the toilet. Throw away ashtrays, lighters, matches. Get rid of everything that is a symbolic sign of a bad habit for you. Remove these items from your office desk. Wash things, lawn - get rid of the odor that accompanies you.
  2. Do not follow the instructions of "experts" who recommend a gradual cessation of smoking. It doesn't work! Immediately, throw in a moment! If you prolong the "pleasure", it will last a long time and come back again. The waiver must be immediate.
  3. Don't use "special" products at home, such as patches or cigarette coding. They are just a way to show that you don't want to say goodbye to smoking. If you have a clear motivation, you do not need any help.
  4. Don't be afraid that quitting suddenly will "destroy" something inside you. Many pregnant women claim that they will not be able to quit smoking because the baby will suffer because nicotine is supposedly placed somewhere in the body and in no way without it. All this is a lie, a typical "excuse" for a person to be forced to quit smoking. It is impossible to imagine the harm that each cigarette does to you. And moreover, the abrupt abandonment of the habit will not cause any concern, but will be an opportunity to rejuvenate the body.
  5. Create the right psychological conditions. Think about what smoking has to do with you? If you have regular morning coffee, give it up for a while and start drinking tea. If you have friendly meetings with beer, change your lifestyle for a month or two, do not drink beer and do not drink alcohol at all. Of course, you shouldn't stop talking to your friends, but you can tell them out loud "I don't smoke! " And it's better to argue with one of your friends that you won't touch them for the next 10 years. a cigarette. Argue over something worthwhile. Your task is to break the rituals associated with smoking. And create new ones that will not be a place for smoking.

Be consistent in your actions and, most importantly, be proud of the fact that you can quit smoking at home quickly. Help your body get rid of bad habits in the future.

What to do next?

The first question that worries me after quitting is how to clean a smoker's lungs at home. It is important to understand that not only the respiratory system but also other systems of the body suffer from the poison. If you do not have a suffocating cough and pain in the heart area, you do not need to see a doctor. It is enough to drink as much fluid as possible to get the toxins out of the urine and sweat.

By drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, the lungs will receive enough moisture to form mucus that removes sediment from the surface of the alveoli. Breathing exercises are also helpful for fetal sputum cough. You can use folk methods: aromatic inhalation with pine needles, the use of herbal teas from chamomile and oregano, the use of oats with milk.

The effectiveness of these funds will increase walking in the fresh air, the forced humidification of the air in the house during the heating season. Regular ventilation, use of a humidifier or daily wet cleaning will help to create a comfortable environment in the apartment.